Thursday, November 09, 2006
Double Strollers
Are you expecting twins or do you have two toddlers that still need a stroller? Then you are in need of a double stroller.

There are basically three different types of double strollers. The first comes with one seat behind the other. This type of stroller is better suited to children of different ages.

The second type of double stroller is where the seats are side-by-side. This is more appropriate for twins as they as they age there is no competition as to who sits in the front and who sits in the back.

Although with the one shown below the toddlers face each other so they can keep each other amused.

Biposto Domino Twin Stroller

Biposto Domino Twin Stroller

This a versatile multiple stroller that starts off with two seats for twins or two children of similar ages. You can purchase another seat unit to convert this stroller to a triple stroller.

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